Tuesday 22 February 2011

Work in progress at the Oxford children's group

Several of the children's baby bonnets have now been completed. This one was made by Sian Stevens, and is modelled by baby Juliana di Falco.

Work has now started on hand-quilted sleeping bags. The one below, made by Daniella Stevens, shows a beautiful, very simple Madonna and Child design. 

 Sleeping bags by Sian Stevens, Bridget Auty and Daniella Stevens

First Meeting of the Guild of St Clare, London

The Guild of St Clare's London branch held its first meeting on Saturday, 19th February 2011. Eleven people attended. Work has already begun on mending some very beautiful and antique embroidered vestments. This is being overseen by Sue Gollop, a skilled and very experienced needlewoman, with the able assistance of Vreni Windsor, who already does a great deal of work for the St Bede's Traditional Community and the Knights of Malta.

Sue Gollop, founder and co-ordinator of the London branch

Some members of the group are learning to knit baby blankets, which they are planning to give to the Good Counsel Network

Some members have little or no experience of needlework, and they are taking advantage of the meetings to learn some basic skills. The group is hoping to do some advanced training once they are more established. Altogether this is a very promising start to this new venture.