Local Chapters


We currently have seven active local chapters, in Clapham Park, London, Wandsworth, London, Oxford, Withermarsh Green, Birmingham, East Kent, and Preston/York. These all meet regularly to work on joint and on individual projects.

The London (St Bede's) Chapter

Meets at St Bede’s Clapham Park (Archdiocese of Southwark).

Contact Vreni Windsor: gosc.claphampark@lms.org.uk

The London (St Mary Magdalen) Chapter

 Meets at St Mary Magdalen, Wandsworth (Archdiocese of Southwark).

Contact Ola Smalley: gosc.wandsworth@lms.org.uk

The Oxford Chapter

Meets in rotating venues in and around Oxford (Archdiocese of Birmingham and the Diocese of Portsmouth).

Contact Clare Auty: gosc.oxford@lms.org.uk


The Withermarsh Green Chapter

Meets in Withermarsh Green, Essex (Diocese of East Anglia).

Contact Sister Josephine Mary: gosc.withermarshgreen@lms.org.uk


The Birmingham & Black Country Chapter

Meets in the Birmingham Oratory (Archdiocese of Birmingham).

Contact Julie Roberts: gosc.birmingham@lms.org.uk

The East Kent Chapter

Meets monthly at the Shrine Church of St Augustine, Ramsgate.

Contact Gerrie Serpell: gosc.eastkent@lms.org.uk


The Northern Chapter

Meets in both Preston and York (Dioceses of Lancaster and Middlesbrough).

Contact Clare Megarity: clare.goscnorth@lms.org.uk


The National Coordinator of the Guild is Lucy Shaw: guildofstclare@lms.org.uk


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